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Health Services Department

Student Health Services

We are committed to the overall health of our students.  Our Student Health Services consists of our School Nurse, Nurse Ashlea, and our Student Counselor, Mrs. Thomas.  Together, they work to provide a healthy body and mind for all of our students.  

Our school nurse, provides many important services for our students, they include but are not limited to:

  • Providing direct health care to our students
  • Providing screening and referral for health conditions.  The following screenings happen in our building:
    • Vision
    • Hearing
    • Dental
  • Promotes a healthy school environment
  • Recommendations to health policies and practices
  • Serves as a liaison between the school, family, community, and health care providers.  

Nurse Ashlea can be reached at (307) 868-2501 or

We recognize that not all health is related to illness or the body.  We provide for our students a School Counselor who is a certified counselor and provides assistance to students and families who are in crisis.  Mrs. Thomas can be reached at (307) 868-2501 or



Resources and Forms

School Physical Examination Medical Record

WYIR Agreement Between Parent Guardian and School

Health Screening Permission

Health Information Form

For Administering Medicine to Students

Food Allergy Action Plan

Seizure Action Plan

Student Asthma Card

Cummunicable Disease Related Hold Harmless, Release, Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement

2021-2022 Covid-19 Procedures and Processes